Saturday, 3 December 2011

Older and Wiser

Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! My 26th year started on a good note thanks to great family, friends, food, beautiful weather, and a winning night at the casino! Seeing as I am a day ahead of America, it was the longest birthday I've ever celebrated ;)  Oh, shout out to Ryan D. who is joining me in the ranks of "more than a quarter of a century young" today–Happy Birthday!!!

A few more observations and common Australian phrases:

This avo
This afternoon

First in, best dressed
First come, first served (IDK why. This is a total lie.)

I'm not fussed
I'm not pressed

I can't be bothered
I don't care

She is such a Sook
She complains a lot (sulk)

Faaaar Out!
No equivalent. This is just an overly-used interjection.

Used for: "Hey", an expression of disbelief, or to grab attention

Used when referring to 'you' and someone else (you all)

You mob
All of you (any group is a 'mob')

Garage or shop
Gas station


Doctor's Surgery
Doctor's office

Good on Ya!
Good work/Good for you

How ya going?
How are you doing?

Hello (good day)

Video clip
Music video

Counter (top)


Road signage:

Give way

Overtake (Stay left unless overtaking)
Pass (Right lane for passing only)

I'm headed to the beach for a workout and a swim. More to come!

1 comment:

  1. :D this is so neat! And HAPPY BIRFDAY MY SWEET DUDE! Love ya!
